10 Sentences on Love

Noirfifre invited me to write a post on  “What is Love in ten sentences”. And each sentence should be of 4 words each. She also asked me to sum it up with my favorite quote on Love.

This is a bit of a challenge, what can I say about love which hasn’t been said already and that too with the limitation of 40 words! These are just random thoughts which came to me when I think about Love. According to me, love is the purest and most honest form of emotion which starts with our parents and…oops that’s not how am supposed to put it! So here goes…

Hearts-love-31834306-492-327 Love is God’s Magic
Love’s an Illogical Logic
Love’s Shade in Sunshine
Love is Eternally Divine
Love is Mesmerizing Beauty
Love is Heart’s Rainbow
Love’s a Silent Language
Love is Soul’s Music
Love is Rooted Deep
Love’s All We Need.

Truly, Love cant be contained in words. Love is limitless, boundless and infinite. Love doesn’t require any reason or season to be shown, its just there always.

Now, I have to share my favorite love quote as well. Again a difficult challenge. Being a Quotation Junkie, choosing just a single quote is one hell of a task for me! Luckily I came across this one recently. wpid-screenshot_2015-03-07-02-47-2122.jpg.jpeg

But you asked for a quote…. I really like this one:


Ok so I have completed the challenge. I thank Noir for inviting me, as this post is because of her, otherwise I wouldn’t have done this! 😀

Time to nominate 10-12 other bloggers to spread love on WordPress.

You have to do the same. Write about Love in 10 sentences, 4 words each. Sum it up with your favorite love quote and further nominate other 10-12 bloggers.

Carry on bloggers…..

Keep spreading the love!

🙂 🙂 🙂