Friendships, Feelings And More


“It’s all about Trust.
Sharing your feelings with friends…
To say or not to say???”
– Realist Rebel

There are many friendships which go way beyond the usual hunky-dory hang outs and chilling together. Most people are of the category who have back-ups for their necessary outgoing “social life”. Can we really call them “friends”??

Maybe those are the kind who are known as a “fair-weathered friend”.

There is another kind. Who come a little far from the previous type. The expression “a friend in need is a friend indeed”, probably got inspired from them.

And then there are some, very rare species these days, friends who have a connection. A real one. Who can really understand what the other is saying or not saying. Such friendships, if found, must be treasured for life.

Some people talk a lot yet say very little. 

They will go on and on, just incessantly blabbering away about everyday nothings and never truly reveal what they are feeling. Such people are either hiding something or they don’t trust you enough to talk about personal stuff.

Some people talk less yet manage to say a lot.

They remain quiet usually. But when they talk everything makes sense. They wont directly reveal their feelings but if you listen closely, you might just be able to figure out.

Yup there are other kinds too. Talk and say a lot at the same time or do neither!

Well, the neither case would be extreme but, you never know… Some people just prefer to remain silent altogether. Usually they do it around the people they don’t trust at all. Not even a bit.

And then there are people who are a mixture of the above mentioned types!!

Maybe I’m the mixture kind! 😀

But honestly, I feel this has got more to do with the person I’m talking to rather than what kind of a person I am, which decides how and what am I gonna talk about with them.

eg. I will truly reveal my feelings (most of it) only when I trust the other person and believe that they really care and bother to hear me out! (And not because they need some material for gossip…yeah BEWARE of THAT type! Seriously.)

I don’t know if that’s the right thing to do or not, maybe it’s right for me or whatever! But this is what I do, this is what I am. I trust my gut feeling and instincts or intuition or anything you wanna call it, and just go with it.

When someone shares their feelings, I respect that person and if they are telling something in confidence (like a secret), never ever break their trust.

I love my friends (the few true friends I have) and I really do treasure them.

When they tell me how they feel (however direct or indirect) it feels good that they trust me. And when I share my feelings, it feels good that I have someone who cares.

Cheers to friendship!

I hope everyone has a friend they can be themselves with.

And is the same type as you are! 😛 (You should be so lucky!!)

Much Love,

– Realist Rebel ❤

Uncharted Territory

There are times when I don’t know what to write. Much like the times when I can’t figure out what to do, which option to choose and which to forego.

Difficult times. running away isn’t an option. Every other door is closed. Desperately trying to figure out where the window might be…

Funny thing about making decisions (life changing ones) is that you know once you give in, you are done. There is no going back, no do overs. That is what makes it all the more challenging.

But the real question here is to see how long can you avoid the inevitable.

The quest of the unknown continues…

PS: This is also sort of an apology for not being regular with my posts. I kinda have been caught up in my own mind! Gonna try to be regular now. Thanks for being so patient with me.

Much love ❤

– Realist Rebel

Truth Behind “Moved On”

There are different things that different people want from us. It’s up to us to decide who is worth all the trouble. On the contrary, finding out what we really want, is precisely the most important and most tedious task to be accomplished.

Always heard about guiding Angels and guiding Light that lead us and show us the way to get through the difficulties we are facing. But in reality, one day we wake up and see what we have been looking for doesn’t even exist! Then nothing and nobody can help. Being here in this world alone and facing every problem with a brave and positive attitude is what we need to do just about every day. I mean, we can’t deny this fact that someday we need to give up on “fairy tale” happy ending myths; and the belief of “prince charming” sweeping you off your feet….. ain’t really gonna happen that way! Barring a few exceptions of course, but let’s get real.

When the time comes to face the reality, everything is supposed to change; but obviously it doesn’t. There is no magic wand that would change everything as quickly as we wish it to. Yet somehow, we forget – forget that amidst all the growing up, moving on and facing reality, there remains a part inside us which still wants and craves for the things we wanted; exactly the way we wanted them – the perfect way.

Yes, the reality check here would be to search ourselves, look within to find out the truth behind the crap, “oh chill! I have moved on man!” – What can be the truth? Is it so easy to move on? Even if it’s not, yet somehow most of us get there. But later don’t really bother to see deep down and realize just how much we got hurt in the process. The feelings which were curbed down, the thoughts that were brushed aside, the memories which were sacked and pushed in the corner, the emotions that were tied down and the desires which were brutally killed – altogether did the damage that they could to the heart and the soul which eventually stopped living.

Moving on is not a joke. It’s neither easy nor difficult. It’s basically the only choice left when someone leaves or we leave someone. Yes it applies in both cases. Anybody saying otherwise would be lying.

Also, the duration for moving on varies for people. Time required to finally get over someone, can’t be estimated. But one thing is for sure, 100% recovery isn’t done when you think it’s done. There are times in our lives, when we can really surprise ourselves. There can be a possibility that we may realize that all this time we didn’t really move on; we only thought we did. Just not giving the same amount of attention to that person anymore in our lives doesn’t mean that we don’t want those things anymore which we always wanted. People make mistakes, poor judgments, unrealistic expectations, but hey, it can’t always work as one sided! A relationship has to be a two-way street at all times. Even if a person is supporting the other, it can only work if the latter is willing to accept it. Otherwise it would be like banging your head against a wall and you’ll only end up hurting yourself.

There is nothing wrong in (still) wanting the things we craved for earlier. Moving on only says that we are strong enough to let go. It doesn’t mean the end of the world or end of love and relationships.  Some things and people are just not meant to be with us. Maybe they belong with someone else, maybe it’s not the right timing or maybe it’s something else. That is part of life. I’m not saying that it shouldn’t have happened since everything happens for a reason. Besides, it’s an integral part of growing up and being mature about things; all this without losing faith and hope. So rather than just saying “moved on”, we should really do move on with life and live it the way we want; without worrying about anybody else. After all, we get only one life; make every moment count.

No. Just No.


What it means to say No

What it’s like to break a heart

To tell someone they won’t get what they want.

How to say No to someone in Need

Someone who is close indeed.


No. No is just a word when You Say it.

No is like the shutting of a door

For the one who gets to hear it.

They will have to look for another

And suffer some more.


Everything every time cannot be a yes

There has to be a No

A place or world without No

Is a place which doesn’t exist.

Or does it

It existed for me.


I was too afraid

To say No:

When that little word

Became that horrible feeling

Of breaking someone’s heart.

I was too afraid

To say No:

When I didn’t wanna lose the person.

I was too afraid

To say No:

When I thought

If the person hears it

They are never coming back.


Maybe not.

But if that were to be

I was better off without.


Wish I knew it sooner

But now also

I am too afraid

To say No.

I don’t say No

When I don’t wanna break No hearts

Simply because I Know the feeling

I Know the pain

I Know No.

In response to Poetry 101 Rehab: Prompt – No

Ode to Little Treasures

Writing 201 Assignment
Prompt: Drawer
Form: Ode
Device: Apostrophe

I believe a lot can be known about a person by reading their creations especially poetry. Similarly a few things can be guessed about a person by going through their drawers! No m not kidding, this can rarely go wrong. But if someone wants to misguide you, then that’s a different case! 😉

By the way I know I’m late on the assignments sorry about that. But I wasn’t feeling very well. In fact, I wrote the last poem with a pounding headache which almost felt like a migraine. Also my internet connection is giving me a hard time. Still I’ll try and post remaining assignments soon. Anyway so now I don’t even know whether this one qualifies as an ode or not and whether I have used apostrophe properly or not. You decide. Lemme know! Enjoy! 🙂

PS: This one’s unedited (not in the best shape)! Kindly bear 😀

 Ode to Little Treasures

Can you keep a little secret?
Coz if you can, then lemme tell you mine.
About a special little palette
That’s filled with the most important colors, so very fine.
One place where I can keep them hidden from all.
I reach my hideout, first place I look.
I can tell what is where even with my eyes shut.
More often than not, here I find all solutions
What more shall I tell you about
Everything you will find here
Has a story of its own.
No matter it’s been kept in whichever zone.

Sadness is gone when I see the smiley ball.
Anger goes away when I hear my iPod
Feeling lonely?
The family of Teddy Bears come to the rescue
Huggy bear gives all the comfort I need
Beary bear takes all my worries away.
Gofer is a lucky charm, even though his color is blue
He doesn’t let me feel blue.
Siberian husky, although the mini version,
Is enough to bring back a huge smile across my face
Reminiscing about the fun time we spent
The child in me feels alive.

Oh look what I see! Blank pages?
Colorful pieces of graffiti!
Oh my little diary, how can I forget you.
You are the Jewel of the Nile.
The reason I fell in love with words.
My spiral mini writing pad, I keep with me a few
Most of them contain words of wisdom
You’ll find my collection of quotations.
Might even get a chance to look at my poetry
I wrote when I was younger
A fool for love I was
Which I’m still, but now I know better
At least, I would like to think so
As we all do! Don’t we?
So again, we’ll see.
C’est la vie.
La vie en rose isn’t meant to be.

Started feeling bitter?
Mini chocolate to the rescue
Ran out of the sin bar
Oreo will make you feel better.
That person was a genius
Who discovered cocoa.
All the brownies so chocolacious looking
Asks you every time, how you feeling
You’ll no longer feel grumpy
If you see the bear jumpy
All this makes me hearty happy!

What else didn’t I tell you about?
Maybe time to open up a little treasure.
This is my jewelry box, be gentle.
Handle with care, if you may
Some pieces are antique
A few even were souvenirs
Way to remember friends by.
Jewelry of all shapes and sizes and kind
You just can’t keep whatever you find!
All of them are close to my heart.
Even the funny friendship bracelets
Which I can’t ever wear
Or fashion police will kill me dear!

Call it attachment
Call it mania
Love the things I have
Miss the people who gave them
Love to have the memories
Few things might not define
Who I am or what I am
But they do tell I care
I won’t let anyone come in between us
I won’t grow apart
Of my life you’ll always be a part.
My Own
My Precious!

Mysterious Mist


Winter Mornings
Seldom a delight.
With the foggy blanket around,
It’s hard to even tell the time.

As I revisit my childhood,
Foggy memories appear.
Sprinkled with dew drops of happiness 
And few of sadness alike.

Day in day out
Thoughts come and go.
What will I lose next,
What haven’t I already lost?

Maybe someday.
Someone will solve the mystery,
In the misery
Of those misty eyes.

Prompt: Fog

Form: Elegy

Device: Metaphor

Mind Games


Writing 201 : Poem Assignment #3

Prompt: Trust

Form: Acrostic

Device: Internal Rhyme

Every day, people change in every way.

Most of the story I made up, has a trustworthy backup.

Oblivion to anyone but me, thoughts playing out to see

The reactions they get, from people they have met.

Invitations were inevitable, if only they were amicable.

Otherwise they say something, and mean something else.

Nobody shows their real feelings, for they fear dealing.

Shadows of secrets remain covered in closets.

The Writing 201 course is much more difficult than I thought it would be! Am already behind on the assignments, and there must be even tougher assignments ahead in the next week. Maybe because am forcing myself to use all the three things given and combine them to write my poem, am feeling I have been trapped! My free flow creativity gets hampered because of such constraints. Nonetheless, many people are doing it easily and so should I. And am so happy and excited as I am learning such new things.

But am also worried because I am not being able to access the Commons. Same problem I encountered earlier, due to email address mismatch I suppose. Hence am not able to get any feedback properly. So please please, leave your feedback, I would appreciate it so very much. Thanks in advance! 😉

My Choice. My Story

In response to The Daily Post’s writing prompt: “Morton’s Fork.”

A Morton’s Fork is a specious piece of reasoning in which contradictory arguments lead to the same (unpleasant) conclusion.

Thank you Wikipedia for telling me the meaning!! Yes, I googled the topic before writing about it, sue me!!

Now, to choose between reading others blog or writing my own, I would definitely pick writing own. Oh wait, reading… no no writing, for sure. Ok yeah, writing. Decided!! Pheww….tough call.

I choose Writing. As for the why part of the question, I would have to tell you a story. My story.

Since I was a kid, I love the English language as a subject. I didn’t care about other subjects, just the one. So I always got top score in that subject. Every year, every class. I loved reading all the stories in the text books given to us at the beginning of an academic year. I would go through all of them even before the teacher could get to them in class. The satisfaction… inexplicable!
One time I even remember, while reciting lines from the play ‘A Christmas Carol’, I got so excited, I displayed full emotions and got really dramatic, that even my crush turned around and looked at me in surprise! (I was otherwise the shy girl, who didn’t speak much.) Totally worth it!

But apart from reading, I used to love the writing assignments as well. And then in 10th Grade, I wrote my first diary entry. Since then for about three years, I used to write daily entries religiously, but then gradually it declined. Don’t worry, it didn’t take me long to realize how much I missed that! That’s why am here… duh!

Writing in any form is happiness for me. To be able to express myself in text form, knowing that this is how I feel, and a few more years down the line, I would be able to read it and know how I felt, how I used to be, how i used to think, how I have changed, and maybe will have a good laugh or two! Or get emotional. Either way, it is and always will be, PRECIOUS.

Behind every diary entry, every post, every poem I ever wrote, there is a story. Together, they make memories. To be able to keep that in a tangible form, readable format, is more than amazing. Its everything.

Although it’s true, reading others blog gives me inspiration, gives me an opportunity to get to know people from across the globe, even makes me a better writer. I agree, it is an experience: one of its own kind. But what’s the point if I am not able to write about that experience!

Hey, I can find other ways of reading about other people, please don’t make me leave blogging….

Coz Am Addicted !! (both to writing my own blog and reading some of the other blogs) 😛
So please don’t make me choose, even hypothetically !!

Behavior-o-logy !!

Isn’t it ironic that people try to be at their best behavior during social interactions with the outside world, when clearly they should be more careful about the things they say to those who are really close to them – family and friends.

Because people who will feel hurt by your behavior and words, would be the ones who are attached to you emotionally; and not those who may be good to you on your face but bitch about you behind your back.

People who truly care for you, and value what you think/say – they are the ones who genuinely deserve your best behavior.

So go ahead, give them the best of you, and surely they’ll appreciate and treasure it more than you could ever imagine. 🙂