Find Your Flavour


Sugar or Spice

Everything may not be nice

Whether you like it or not

Flavours have captured our lives.

Spice it up in the bedroom

Sugar coat your words for the boss

Leave bitterness for the enemy

Show your salty side to the neighbors

Sweet n sour bond with the relatives

Fire chillies during fight with siblings

Sweet, Salty and Tangy

A friend alternates between many flavours

But only one relation

Where you can enjoy

All the flavours together

A Soul Mate

Found Yours?? 😀

Written in response to Poetry 101 Rehab: Prompt – Sugar

The Danger Sign – Scene 4

The Danger Sign – Scene 4

*Flashback continues*

It was dark. I couldn’t see. I don’t remember also. But I didn’t know the man, I think. I didn’t even see his face clearly, I could only see an orange spot like light coming from a strange thing in his hand…. It shone bright in the dark, and it took me a while to realise that that orange light was something on fire. It was a burning stick which was the source of the very uncanny abusive white fog like cloud smoke, which I had followed.

Yes, I was so young at that time, I didn’t even know what a cigarette was. Or maybe I had never seen it before in real life. Naive. Innocent.

There I was. In the dark. Scared. Alone. Crying. In some stranger’s place….

The man signalled me to be quiet. I began crying aloud. He again signalled threatening to slap me if I didn’t shush down. It scared me even more and I cried even louder.

The man lost control and temper and maybe his senses too. Or maybe he was already high on the tobacco or nicotine or whatever nasty thing that burning stick holds….

He might have been drunk too, how was a little kid supposed to know?

Links for previous scenes:
Scene 1
Scene 2
Scene 3

Scene 5 – Coming Soon…

A to Z

After A to H

Here’s I to U

Insensitivity runs in the human race, an ugly truth to face.

Just throw them pieces of praise, their ego will get a raise.

Killing and crushing your soul, that’s how they get whole.

Loneliness eats them inside out, bothers them I doubt.

Maintaining devilish reputation, craving for powerful resuscitation.

Nobody cares for nobody, they would rather kill somebody.

Opposites don’t attract, they just distract.

Prayers can’t reach out anymore, give a helping hand to cure.

Quintessential this has become, take charge to overcome.

Remaining humanity still deserve, a chance they should preserve.

Such hassles continue to stay, even when we wish them away.

Together we can make it happen, faith can restore the dampen.

Until then put efforts to persevere, waiting for darkness to disappear.

Poetic Form: Acrostic

Poetic Device: Internal Rhyme

The Road Ahead


Before you go looking for someone else

Try finding your own self first

Before you try to understand others

Try understanding your self first

It’s always a journey

Never a destination

This journey called life.

When I wanted to find you

I found myself

I had been looking for answers

when the questions were wrong

I found out the questions keep changing

Don’t look for answers

Create new questions and answers yourself

Then life would be worth living

Then this journey would be ever loving.

Make memories

Never stop dreaming

Never look back

Create new destinations

On the way

Keep moving

Keep going




Uncharted Territory

There are times when I don’t know what to write. Much like the times when I can’t figure out what to do, which option to choose and which to forego.

Difficult times. running away isn’t an option. Every other door is closed. Desperately trying to figure out where the window might be…

Funny thing about making decisions (life changing ones) is that you know once you give in, you are done. There is no going back, no do overs. That is what makes it all the more challenging.

But the real question here is to see how long can you avoid the inevitable.

The quest of the unknown continues…

PS: This is also sort of an apology for not being regular with my posts. I kinda have been caught up in my own mind! Gonna try to be regular now. Thanks for being so patient with me.

Much love ❤

– Realist Rebel

Truth Behind “Moved On”

There are different things that different people want from us. It’s up to us to decide who is worth all the trouble. On the contrary, finding out what we really want, is precisely the most important and most tedious task to be accomplished.

Always heard about guiding Angels and guiding Light that lead us and show us the way to get through the difficulties we are facing. But in reality, one day we wake up and see what we have been looking for doesn’t even exist! Then nothing and nobody can help. Being here in this world alone and facing every problem with a brave and positive attitude is what we need to do just about every day. I mean, we can’t deny this fact that someday we need to give up on “fairy tale” happy ending myths; and the belief of “prince charming” sweeping you off your feet….. ain’t really gonna happen that way! Barring a few exceptions of course, but let’s get real.

When the time comes to face the reality, everything is supposed to change; but obviously it doesn’t. There is no magic wand that would change everything as quickly as we wish it to. Yet somehow, we forget – forget that amidst all the growing up, moving on and facing reality, there remains a part inside us which still wants and craves for the things we wanted; exactly the way we wanted them – the perfect way.

Yes, the reality check here would be to search ourselves, look within to find out the truth behind the crap, “oh chill! I have moved on man!” – What can be the truth? Is it so easy to move on? Even if it’s not, yet somehow most of us get there. But later don’t really bother to see deep down and realize just how much we got hurt in the process. The feelings which were curbed down, the thoughts that were brushed aside, the memories which were sacked and pushed in the corner, the emotions that were tied down and the desires which were brutally killed – altogether did the damage that they could to the heart and the soul which eventually stopped living.

Moving on is not a joke. It’s neither easy nor difficult. It’s basically the only choice left when someone leaves or we leave someone. Yes it applies in both cases. Anybody saying otherwise would be lying.

Also, the duration for moving on varies for people. Time required to finally get over someone, can’t be estimated. But one thing is for sure, 100% recovery isn’t done when you think it’s done. There are times in our lives, when we can really surprise ourselves. There can be a possibility that we may realize that all this time we didn’t really move on; we only thought we did. Just not giving the same amount of attention to that person anymore in our lives doesn’t mean that we don’t want those things anymore which we always wanted. People make mistakes, poor judgments, unrealistic expectations, but hey, it can’t always work as one sided! A relationship has to be a two-way street at all times. Even if a person is supporting the other, it can only work if the latter is willing to accept it. Otherwise it would be like banging your head against a wall and you’ll only end up hurting yourself.

There is nothing wrong in (still) wanting the things we craved for earlier. Moving on only says that we are strong enough to let go. It doesn’t mean the end of the world or end of love and relationships.  Some things and people are just not meant to be with us. Maybe they belong with someone else, maybe it’s not the right timing or maybe it’s something else. That is part of life. I’m not saying that it shouldn’t have happened since everything happens for a reason. Besides, it’s an integral part of growing up and being mature about things; all this without losing faith and hope. So rather than just saying “moved on”, we should really do move on with life and live it the way we want; without worrying about anybody else. After all, we get only one life; make every moment count.

The Follow Game (Monday’s Finish The Story)


They followed the buffaloes and their babies along the trail heading into the woods; completely unaware that they were being followed too. After a while, they reached near the bushes behind the lake where the buffaloes gathered: a few were drinking lake water, some bathing, others resting.

The Wild-Life Channel crew didn’t set their equipment just as yet, because they were waiting for the buffaloes and calves to visit the natural  ‘mineral lick’ site. Not many are able to capture that rare phenomenon. So they waited. Patiently. Still oblivion of their followers.

There was a sudden uneasiness with the buffaloes and they started to move. The crew got alert and heard the presence of some wild animals behind them.

Before the pack of wolves could attack, the director (being a smarty pants) threw all the steaks they had brought, in front of the wolves. The crew got time to run for their lives. ‘Documentary on the American Bison’ delayed yet again.

Monday’s Finish The Story. The challenge was to start the story with the given sentence and photo; finishing the story in 100-150 words. This is my first attempt at the challenge. Thanks for reading! ❤

The Danger Sign – Scene 3

The Danger Sign – Scene 3

*12 years ago*

It was a cold winter night. I couldn’t sleep as we were staying at a family friend’s place. I decided to check out the house. I shouldn’t have.
On the way to the terrace, I noticed something fog like, approaching towards me.
I followed the white cloud to see where it was coming from; wanted to catch it.

There he was. That man, standing beside the stairwell entrance.
As I went closer, I began coughing. And crying too, was just a kid after all.
A stupid little kid.

The man saw me, watching him. 

For previous scenes click below:
Scene 1
Scene 2

Scene 4 – Coming Soon…

No. Just No.


What it means to say No

What it’s like to break a heart

To tell someone they won’t get what they want.

How to say No to someone in Need

Someone who is close indeed.


No. No is just a word when You Say it.

No is like the shutting of a door

For the one who gets to hear it.

They will have to look for another

And suffer some more.


Everything every time cannot be a yes

There has to be a No

A place or world without No

Is a place which doesn’t exist.

Or does it

It existed for me.


I was too afraid

To say No:

When that little word

Became that horrible feeling

Of breaking someone’s heart.

I was too afraid

To say No:

When I didn’t wanna lose the person.

I was too afraid

To say No:

When I thought

If the person hears it

They are never coming back.


Maybe not.

But if that were to be

I was better off without.


Wish I knew it sooner

But now also

I am too afraid

To say No.

I don’t say No

When I don’t wanna break No hearts

Simply because I Know the feeling

I Know the pain

I Know No.

In response to Poetry 101 Rehab: Prompt – No