The Only Choice


Arriving at the beach, she reflected on her life. Nothing seemed to distract her – the warm breeze, the tidal waves or the noisy pelicans – none of them. It was a fairly beautiful day but not for Amaya. She couldn’t care less.

Her life choices had always been made for her. She never got to choose. This was a new territory for her – of having a choice. Scared to the core, thinking about what will happen next, has left her completely baffled.

Now if only she could ascertain whether to go back to the life of petty crime or to surrender herself for the murder she never committed. Tough first choice.

Choice to save herself or the person who has been controlling her life since forever.

Deep in thoughts, she was staring into nothingness of the horizon. Suddenly her chain of thoughts were disrupted by a cute german shepherd, who came looking for its frisbee which got stuck in the branches of a big tree standing tall behind the rocks.

For a minute, Amaya forgot all about her tensions and started petting the canine. “Hey big guy! What are you doing here? Go play near the water.” Pointing to the frisbee, the dog communicated what it wanted. Amaya got the frisbee, looked at the happy go lucky dog, kissed him goodbye and threw the frisbee as far as she could.

Just as she watched the german shepherd bounce toward the flying saucer, carefree, enjoying the moment, she got up, held her head high with determination and with a big smile on her face, she took the first step toward her freedom.

Monday’s Finish The Story. The challenge was to start the story with the given sentence and photo; finishing the story in 100-150 words. Second attempt. Sorry for exceeding the word limit, got carried away! Thanks for reading! ❤

The Danger Sign – Scene 5

The Danger Sign – Scene 5

*Flashback continues*

The man came closer to me, full of anger.

I cried and cried and cried.

No one came to help. No one came to my rescue.

The man put his hand on my mouth. I tried to shout. I tried to escape, but he grabbed me, still holding the cigarette. Still lit.

I wanted to push that man aside. Wanted to grab that thing out of his hand and throw it away.

It was causing all the trouble.

I wanted to break-free. My tiny little hands were of no use. The gigantic man, with his huge dirty hands, was almost choking me.

I panicked. The smoke had filled the entire stairwell.

“Alright you puny noise-maker, I don’t have any more patience for you. just be quiet now. Promise me you wont shout and wont tell anyone ’bout this (holding up the cigarette), and I’ll let you go.” He finally said with indifference.

Maybe I didn’t listen or didn’t comprehend it soon enough to react, or was just too scared to react at all…..

I had to scream. I screamed my lungs out.

It was the only thing to do in that situation for a little girl who was scared to death.


Right across my face.

I knew it was coming.

I knew he would hit me.

But I never anticipated, what came next…..

Links for previous scenes:
Scene 1
Scene 2
Scene 3
Scene 4

Scene 6 – Coming Soon…

The Monthly Ketch-Up

Greetings to all the amazing people reading this.

It’s that time of the month again! 😛

I’m talking about The Monthly Ketch-Up aka Catch-Up of my blog. This is to catch a glimpse of the previous month to see what all I did and wrote about.

Keep reading if you are interested to read some poetry, flash fiction and even some humorous posts….maybe one or two philosophical ramblings as well….

Let’s begin the show!

(PS: Color code for links: All blue and red highlights are definitely links to the mentioned posts and categories. Click away! Happy Reading. – The main purpose of this catch-up!)

The Monthly Ketch-Up : April 2015

The 4th Blogging Month. Had been quite slow. I almost disappeared after doing the last monthly Ketch-Up, which I shouldn’t have! I apologised for the same, stating reasons, with the post Uncharted Territory. Also another reason was I couldnt keep up with the Writing 101 course….well reasons, again. I hope to do it the next time… Life is so unpredictable. Whatever we think will happen, almost never does. Hmph.

So anyway, about the stats.. !5-16 posts as usual… Just today touched the 150 follower mark and total 700 likes…. 😀

Well thank you all. Each and every one of you. You rock. ❤

On that note, I would love to get to know my readers better. And like you know me through my About Page, I would like to know you or hear from you through my very New Contact Page. So if you don’t feel like sharing through comments, you can easily talk to me through there. Waiting to hear from you. 🙂

Most Popular of the Month

Seems to be a tie! Both are poems, coincidentally written for the Poetry 101 Rehab hosted by Mara Eastern. She gives such great prompts which inspire to think and write better. 😉

Find Your Flavour : Very flavour-full surprising poem for the prompt ‘Sugar’. Has all the sugar and spice you need! Do taste! 😀

No. Just No. : That’s just the title! This poem deeply reasons why the word “NO” should or shouldn’t exist in the world!

Closely following in popularity were the fiction posts:

The Follow Game : It was a flash fiction story written for the challenge ‘Monday’s Finish the Story’. The first line was provided: “They followed the buffaloes and their babies along the trail heading into the woods.” Read the story to know more! 

The End…? Part 2 : Well everybody liked the first part of the story too. 😀

A to Z Acrostic Poems

1st edition: A to H 

2nd edition: I to U

3rd edition: V to Z

More Poetry

The Show Must Go On : Even with a broken heart….

The Road Ahead : Don’t look back,  good things await.

Silly Poem (Yup, poems about the elements of nature)

Part Nine: My First HaikuFlowers 

Inspirational and Philosophical

Truth Behind “Moved On”: Pretty self-explanatory. But mentions the crucial things most people tend to overlook.

Big News!

So in the month of March, I took part in the 50 word story challenge, hosted by Cynthia Franks. Wrote 5 stories for it.  And guess what? One of my stories got the tag of “Best story of the month”!! How cool is that! 😀 And another got 3rd place and rest got special mention too. Check out the post which mentions all this on Cynthia’s blog.:

50-word Story Round-Up March 2015

Again, thank you Cynthia. 🙂

So the story which got ‘The best of the month’ tag “The Danger Sign”, on popular demand I decided to write the story further. Check it out:

Scene 1 (The Danger Sign)

Scene 2

Scene 3

Scene 4

Saved the best for last

Ice-breaker : This one’s surely gonna crack you up a bit! It was written for a daily post writing prompt: “Fearful Symmetry.” 

For This Month :

Few more scenes of The Danger Sign. Following parts of The End…? series. And of course more and more poetry to watch out for. With some surprise elements as well. Keep a close eye on this blog for further amazing stuff.

Gosh, I’m tired now. Gonna get some rest and meet you guys after a break!

Until Then, Stay Tuned,

Keep Reading, Keep Exploring.

Much Love, xo

– Realist Rebel

The Follow Game (Monday’s Finish The Story)


They followed the buffaloes and their babies along the trail heading into the woods; completely unaware that they were being followed too. After a while, they reached near the bushes behind the lake where the buffaloes gathered: a few were drinking lake water, some bathing, others resting.

The Wild-Life Channel crew didn’t set their equipment just as yet, because they were waiting for the buffaloes and calves to visit the natural  ‘mineral lick’ site. Not many are able to capture that rare phenomenon. So they waited. Patiently. Still oblivion of their followers.

There was a sudden uneasiness with the buffaloes and they started to move. The crew got alert and heard the presence of some wild animals behind them.

Before the pack of wolves could attack, the director (being a smarty pants) threw all the steaks they had brought, in front of the wolves. The crew got time to run for their lives. ‘Documentary on the American Bison’ delayed yet again.

Monday’s Finish The Story. The challenge was to start the story with the given sentence and photo; finishing the story in 100-150 words. This is my first attempt at the challenge. Thanks for reading! ❤

The Danger Sign – Scene 3

The Danger Sign – Scene 3

*12 years ago*

It was a cold winter night. I couldn’t sleep as we were staying at a family friend’s place. I decided to check out the house. I shouldn’t have.
On the way to the terrace, I noticed something fog like, approaching towards me.
I followed the white cloud to see where it was coming from; wanted to catch it.

There he was. That man, standing beside the stairwell entrance.
As I went closer, I began coughing. And crying too, was just a kid after all.
A stupid little kid.

The man saw me, watching him. 

For previous scenes click below:
Scene 1
Scene 2

Scene 4 – Coming Soon…

The Danger Sign – Scene 2

The Danger Sign – Scene 2

I took a step back. My mouth opened a bit in shock and horror. Frozen. The memories began to flash in front of my eyes. Ugly, evil memories which remain etched on me like invisible scars.

Unknowingly, I kept moving backwards until there wasn’t any space left. I turned around to find a mirror blocking my way. Hoping to see my reflection, I tried to clear it with my hand, but I could only see a blurred image of a familiar, scared little girl who seemed lost.

This is in continuation to a 50 word story ‘The Danger Sign’ (Ash Tray) written by me earlier. Find it here. (yup, that would be scene 1)

Scene 3 – Coming Soon…

The End…? (Part 2)

These thoughts
would never leave her.
The wondering
will not let her be at peace.
The forever on-going
noises in her head
would never shut up.
Things she should let go of,
continue to be a part of her…

The ONLY way
to get rid of the misery,
was to
get rid of herself.
The permanent solution
to all her and others’ problems.
All At Once.

As Siya was busy
her life choices…..
Sitting beside her bed
on the floor,
just staring blankly at
those shiny, sparkly
pieces of stone…

Her concentration
she gets startled
by a bang.

*A knock on the door*

To be continued…

Who’s at the door? Who could it be?? What’s gonna happen next??
Leave your thoughts…… 🙂

Haven’t read the 1st Part? Fear not, here it is : 
The End…? (A short story)

The Monthly Ketch-Up

Hi there!

By now those of you who have been following my blog know what this post is gonna be about! But if you don’t then fear not, this is The Monthly Ketch-Up aka Catch-Up of my blog; listing my posts and activities of the previous month. Pretty neat idea, ain’t it? 😉

Well maybe that’s why I got The Real Neat Blog Award too, lol. There is also The Blog Tour Award in which I have mentioned what am I currently working on, and things about my inspiration, creative writing, etc.

Have a look…Read…Enjoy!

The Monthly Ketch-Up : March 2015

The third month of my blogging…. Let’s start with a good news. I have finished my blogging101 course finally!! Yayy me!! 😀 (that was my second attempt, so pheww)

Now on to some stats. Again made 15 posts (like last month), finally crossed 100 followers (yippie) and also crossed total 500 likes! Definitely happy. 😀 So a big hearty thank you guys, it all means a lot. I’m glad that I have such great readers and supporters. Much love. ❤ ❤ ❤

What else had I been busy with in the past month? Watched a few movies, but didn’t really do any Movie Reviews; nothing seemed to be worth writing about! Hmm…. Oh ya, also went to my college, my Alma mater after a long time…. So much has changed there!! A new learning wing has been added, parking space and another building still under construction, but the sad part: the neighbour college closed their canteen. Me and my friends used to hang out there most of the time whenever we felt like having South Indian food and coffee. Ah, those wonderful days! Felt nostalgic with mixed feelings, sad and happy and… I don’t know! You get it right? I’m sure you do. 🙂

Ok, so back on track. Time to reveal the most popular post of march (with highest likes of course!)

It is The Ugly “Wall” (also the best of all time, hehe). This was in response to the daily-prompt: Wall. I really loved all the different takes on this particular prompt, they all were very interesting, inspiring and we all got to learn something from each other. The best thing about blogging, right? 🙂 So do read it once, I’m sure you would learn something new.

Summary of blogging 101:

Wrote a whole post for my introduction! It is a fun post, also answered things like why I blog and more about my blog. You can check out Introduction Revisited.

Then updated my About page. Feedback welcome. 😀

Also tweaked my blog name and tagline a bit (shhhh…. not a big deal!) 😛

And most importantly, added all kinds of widgets and gave more options for you guys to follow me (please do!). There is a FB page and twitter as well. So please please, check all that out.(like, share, you know how it works,  hehe) Thanks! 😀

Silly Poem Series

Wind In My Hair (the best of the silly poems)

Fly Away (something to cheer you up)

More Silly Poems (8 parts so far. Also, these are not silly, just a name! I write about nature or various elements of nature in this particular series.)

More Poetry

Well, from last month’s Writing201, I didnt experiment with Found Poetry. This time I did! Don’t miss this! Found Poetry – Poster

Poetry 101 Rehab

We all were missing Writing 201 so badly, thanks to Mara Eastern, this Rehab made it easier for us addicts to survive! 😀

In The End, At Last. (This was a two-fold response to the prompt ‘End’.)

Thaw or Not To Thaw (Experimented with Shakespeare style! for the prompt ‘Thaw’)

The Right Thing (Well, not so right, just from the heart! For the prompt ‘Right’.)

Seconds’ Worth (Short and precise. For the prompt ‘Second’)

Flash Fiction / Stories

The most important feature of the month! Introduction of a new category for this blog: Fiction. (ta-da!) It’s just the beginning, and I hope I will keep writing and keep-up with the expectations. *fingers crossed*

So far, I have written:

The End…? (A short story) (Just the first part)

50 Word Stories (First attempt 3 stories)

50 Word Stories (Second attempt 2 stories)

For Next Month :

Have signed up for Writing 101, it would be a fun thing am guessing! Also it means more posts. 😀
Look out for more Poetry and the follow up to the story I started.

Let’s wrap it up (who likes unnecessary long posts, I know I don’t!) 😀

So Stay Tuned,

Have fun.

Until Next Time… ❤

In The End, At Last.


Perceptions and Perspectives

Universe and You

For Eternity

Infinity and Beyond

Lies or No Lies

Commit and Remit

Through and Through

End of an Era

Beginning of a New Millennium

Always Save the Best for Last

As in the End, It Does Matter

Make it work
Make it worth
Mend your ways
Mind your days
Going through hell
Living in heaven

Let’s walk a mile
Wanna see you smile
So don’t be late
Gonna fight this fate

The end is near
But I have no fear

Death can wait
Coz I have you as my date

So give me this chance
To live my life
One last chance
To love my life
Give me this time
To relive my life
In just One Day
One Last Day
One Last Day

In response to Poetry 101 Rehab: Prompt – End